Starting 12/24, the gym will be closed until 1/7 for the Holidays. The gym will be open for classes on Monday 1/8. We hope y’all have a safe and happy Holiday Season, and we’ll see you next year!!
Holiday Special 2023!
Amazing performance for our two-hour Holiday Special open gym. Below are some pictures from the show and the link for the YouTube videos.
Halloween Carnival 2023!!!
Thank you to all that came out for the Halloween Carnival on Saturday! We had a boo-tastic time 🙂 Many thanks to The Three C’s, Cindy from Pampered Chef, and BARWIS Physical Therapy for all of your efforts!
Coming up!
Come and join us for Keep Flippin’s annual Halloween Carnival NEXT weekend, 10/21. Call the gym or stop by for more questions and how to sign up!!
Not only that, but on November 18th, our amazing Showteam will be performing at Harbourside for the annual tree lighting ceremony. If you want to see this year’s NEW routines, come out and support our group and enjoy the lighting of a beautiful Christmas tree to kick off this holiday season!!
Updated Class Schedule!
Below is the updated class schedule for the Fall season 2023. This also can be found on the main page under the header titled “Classes”, along with all of the class levels and their descriptions.
Fall-Schedules-For-Printing-New Season!!
It’s almost time for a brand new season of Keep Flippin’ Gymnastics! Our Fall classes begin on Tuesday, September 5th. The Monday students will begin on Monday, September 11th due to Labor Day. Please call the gym for any questions. We can’t wait to see everyone!
Keep Flippin’ Reminders!
- The last three weeks of Summer Camp are completely full and we are having a blast!
- September classes begin on Tuesday, September 5th and Monday classes will begin on September 11 due to Labor Day. PLEASE SIGN UP QUICKLY! We did add a couple of classes already for those that were on the waitlist. We only add classes if we get an appropriate coach and it is not too crowded in the gym
- The last day of summer Saturday classes will be on Saturday, August 26th
- Emails and Newsletter continue through the entire year to inform everyone of gym events and Show Team shows!
Please call the gym for any questions
Fall Registration for New Students!
New students will be allowed to sign up tomorrow, July 13th. Current students, please secure your spot in a class if you have not done so yet before new students can choose. Please call or email the gym to sign up!
Fall Classes
We are not registering current students for fall classes! You may email or call us to register.
Registration for new students will begin on Thursday, July 13th!
We are planning all kinds of events for the upcoming 2023-2024 gymnastics season, as well as many local shows from the Keep Flippin’ Show Team!
2023-2024 Fall Schedule!
Below is the fall class schedule for the 2023-2024 season! Sign-ups begin Monday, July 3rd!!